In the Bay of Islands now..unfortunately it is rainy, rainy, rainy, and unfortunately I have seen nothing that resembles the beautiful picture I got off google. darn. Despite the weather, I have been thoroughly enjoying being on my own schedule and being layed back. Saw a movie (a new NZ indie film..we'll see if it makes it to the states. It is VERY kiwi and made by one of the writers of Flight of the Conchords,, made it to some yoga classes, and have entered into the sub-culture of the New Zealand backpacker.

Many of the places I'm staying have long-term backpackers doing seasonal fruit-picking work or are working in local restaurants, stores, and bars. While the hostels themselves have a cool international environment, many of these travelers have yet to make it out of the areas their living in to see other parts of NZ. Many do the big touristy bus trips for their sight-seeing, and spend the rest of their time working, living, and partying with other international travelers within the hostel. While I'm sure this could be a lot of fun, I don't think that is REALLY seeing New Zealand. I couldn't be happier with the shape my own journey has taken-through having family in the country and through all the friendships and connections I am making with Kiwis through WWOOFing.

I am definitely not a local, but I don't quite feel like a tourist in this country either. I'm always eager for what my next family is going to teach me and for trying out their way of life. It also makes the long-term travel aspect go a little easier. Five months away from home now-it forces you to become right at home with whomever you're living with. You've got to trust them from day 1 (or maybe day 2)and to stay open-minded or else you may not end up having a very good time. It is very cool to see how large I can expand these connections into what feels like family-and it certainly is an amazing way to experience a country. Tomorrow I'm headed off to an area North of Kaitaia along 90 mile beach. You can see on the map where I've been and where I'm going. Waiheke Island is off the coast from Auckland, the Bay of Islands are North from there in Kerikeri and Russel, and further North from there is Kaitaia and 90 Mile Beach. My next host family sent me photo of their home surrounded by rainforest. Pretty cool, eh?

And LASTLY, I figured out how to upload videos (the trick is they have to be short). I randomly chose one of Jasper rocking out to his daddy playing the didge in a cave (normal family bonding time). Enjoy...more stories to come!
ss u alot Pho E B!! It sounnds like you are having the best time ever! That video is so f-ing adorable. Enjoy NZ!!!!