The view from my hosts' roof!
This is Lucy. She is the coolest 7 yr old I know, and I wish I was 7 again so that I could be her best friend.
At the wharf below my hosts house, awesome eh?
Lucy confused.
Pete working with kids at his outdoor ed camp. I got to run around and take publicity photos.
Playing Harry Potter-the "sorting boot" obviously
Kirsten and Lucy in their most favorite, secret place.
A child's playground in New Zealand
Charlie, the 4 yr old troll-like human
Viaduct through the Southern Alps
The hills of Diamond Harbour, near bye where I'm currently living!
Natural bathtub
Roasting a marshmallow
Driving in New Zealand you come across movie sets constantly..recognize this from the ending battle scene in Chronicles of Narnia?
fweeebee, photos are fantastic! esp love the bathtub one, priceless